Aerial shot of flooded suburb

reconnecting the power 

Storms and floods can damage the electricity network and interrupt your power supply. In the immediate aftermath of a severe weather event, conditions can be dangerous. Electricity distributors will be working behind the scenes to get the power back on as quickly and safely as possible.
In a dangerous or life-threatening situation, call triple zero (000) immediately.

Returning home

If you’ve been evacuated, returning home can be quite stressful, particularly if you’re coming home to significant damage to your property. As clean-up activates get underway you may notice your power is disconnected. Depending on the damage to the area or your home, there may be steps required before power can be restored.


Why don’t I have power?

When severe weather has damaged the electricity network, your home may have been disconnected by the electricity distributor for safety reasons.


Getting power back on

Given the damage to the area, a licensed electrical contractor needs to be engaged to make sure your site is safe before you can switch back on. This is an important safety and compliance requirement.

A licenced electrician will perform a safety inspection on your connections, household wiring, appliances, and outdoor equipment like air conditioning units and pool pumps.

Ensure you’re engaging a qualified electrical professional. Do not switch back on until a professional inspection has taken place. 

what to watch out for

If your home is water damaged from storms, hail or floods, there are a few things to be extra cautious of.

Solar panels

Engage a solar-trained licenced electrician to assess your panels if you suspect damage after severe weather event. Cracked panels from hail and water damage from storms can potentially cause house fires and electric shocks. 

Keep in mind, solar panels will continue to produce electricity if they are exposed to light, even if the electricity supply has been switched off. This includes artificial light from emergency services flood lights or streetlights. Find out more about solar panel safety

Damaged electrical appliances

When it comes to damaged electrical appliances, the best approach is to unplug the faulty appliance and take it to an accredited repair store or dispose of the product. It’s not worth risking your life. A faulty or damaged appliance can spark fires and deliver a nasty electric shock. Find out more about damaged electrical appliances and Australian Safety Standards.

Things you can do to be prepared

Install safety switches at home

Safety switches monitor the flow of electricity in your house. In the event of a short-circuit, an overload, or equipment failure, a safety switch will nearly instantly (within milliseconds) shut off power to the system or appliance in trouble. All homes in Australia should have safety switches installed.

Properties built during or after the year 2000 will usually have safety switches installed. If your home is older, it’s strongly recommended that you ask a licenced electrician to check. Find out more about safety switches and how they work.

Don't get stuck in the dark. Prepare for an emergency

  • Have torches, batteries, and candles handy.
  • Keep a hard copy of telephone numbers for family, friends, and local services.
  • Keep USB power bank ready and charged.
  • Prepare a battery powered radio and take a note of the local ABC radio frequency and keep updated with emergency broadcasts.
  • Turn off your mobile when it’s not in use to conserve battery.

In an emergency call 000

In a dangerous of life-threatening situation, call triple zero (000) immediately. Teach your kids so they know what to do if something were to ever go wrong.

Man with wheelbarrow in face mask cleaning up after a flood, damaged furniture on sidewalk

find a licenced electrician

If you’re not sure where to start, you can find a licenced electrician by calling either Master Electricians Australia on 1300 889 198 or the National Electrical and Communications Association on 1300 361 099. 

In an emergency call 000

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